formvalidation是一款功能非常强大的基于Bootstrap的jQuery表单验证插件。该jQuery表单验证插件内置了16种表单验证器,你也可以通过Bootstrap Validator's APIs写自己的表单验证器。该表单验证插件的可用验证器有:
- between:检测输入的值是否在两个指定的值之间。
- callback:通过回调函数返回验证信息。
- creditCard:验证信用卡格式。
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。 - emailAddress:验证电子邮件格式是否有效。
。 - hexColor:验证一个hex格式的颜色值是否有效。
- identical:验证输入的值是否和指定字段的值相同。
。 - notEmpty:检测字段是否为空。
- regexp:检测输入值是否和指定的javascript正则表达式匹配。
- remote:通过AJAX请求来执行远程代码。
- stringLength:验证字符串的长度。
- uri:验证URL地址是否有效。
- usZipCode:验证美国的邮政编码格式。
这个jQuery表单验证插件还可以和Foundation、Pure、Semantic UI和UIKit一起配合使用。产科下面的效果图。
formvalidation和UI Kit一起使用:
formvalidation和Semantic UI一起使用:
// The first invalid field will be focused automatically autoFocus: true, // Support declarative usage (setting options via HTML 5 attributes) // Setting to false can improve the performance declarative: true, // The form CSS class elementClass: 'fv-form', // Use custom event name to avoid window.onerror being invoked by jQuery // See #630 events: { // Support backward formInit: 'init.form.fv', formError: 'err.form.fv', formSuccess: 'success.form.fv', fieldAdded: 'added.field.fv', fieldRemoved: 'removed.field.fv', fieldInit: 'init.field.fv', fieldError: 'err.field.fv', fieldSuccess: 'success.field.fv', fieldStatus: 'status.field.fv', localeChanged: 'changed.locale.fv', validatorError: 'err.validator.fv', validatorSuccess: 'success.validator.fv' }, // Indicate fields which won't be validated // By default, the plugin will not validate the following kind of fields: // - disabled // - hidden // - invisible // // The setting consists of jQuery filters. Accept 3 formats: // - A string. Use a comma to separate filter // - An array. Each element is a filter // - An array. Each element can be a callback function // function($field, validator) { // $field is jQuery object representing the field element // validator is the BootstrapValidator instance // return true or false; // } // // The 3 following settings are equivalent: // // 1) ':disabled, :hidden, :not(:visible)' // 2) [':disabled', ':hidden', ':not(:visible)'] // 3) [':disabled', ':hidden', function($field) { //return !$':visible'); // }] excluded: [':disabled', ':hidden', ':not(:visible)'], // Map the field name with validator rules fields: null, // Live validating option // Can be one of 3 values: // - enabled: The plugin validates fields as soon as they are changed // - disabled: Disable the live validating. The error messages are only shown after the form is submitted // - submitted: The live validating is enabled after the form is submitted live: 'enabled', // Locale in the format of languagecode_COUNTRYCODE locale: 'en_US', // Default invalid message message: 'This value is not valid', // The field will not be live validated if its length is less than this number of characters threshold: null, // Whether to be verbose when validating a field or not. // Possible values: // - true: when a field has multiple validators, all of them will be checked, and respectively - if errors occur in // multiple validators, all of them will be displayed to the user // - false: when a field has multiple validators, validation for this field will be terminated upon the first encountered error. // Thus, only the very first error message related to this field will be displayed to the user verbose: true, // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // These options mostly are overridden by specific framework // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ button: { // The submit buttons selector // These buttons will be disabled to prevent the valid form from multiple submissions selector: '[type="submit"]', // The disabled class disabled: '' }, control: { // The CSS class for valid control valid: '', // The CSS class for invalid control invalid: '' }, err: { // The CSS class of each message element clazz: '', // The error messages container. It can be: // - 'tooltip' if you want to use Bootstrap tooltip to show error messages // - 'popover' if you want to use Bootstrap popover to show error messages // - a CSS selector indicating the container // In the first two cases, since the tooltip/popover should be small enough, the plugin only shows only one error message // You also can define the message container for particular field container: null, // Used to determine where the messages are placed parent: null }, // Shows ok/error/loading icons based on the field validity. icon: { valid: null, invalid: null, validating: null, feedback: '' }, row: { // The CSS selector for indicating the element consists of the field // You should adjust this option if your form group consists of many fields which not all of them need to be validated selector: null, valid: '', invalid: '', feedback: '' }