This slideout is going to open to the bottom-right (the default).
This slideout is going to open to the top-left.
This slideout is going to open to the top-right.
.slideOutTip{ /* The main wrapping div of the slideout tips */ position:absolute; padding:3px; top:0; left:0; background-color:#111; font-size:13px; color:white; overflow:hidden; height:22px; } .slideOutTip:hover{ /* Applying a CSS3 outer glow on hover */ -moz-box-shadow:0 0 1px #999; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 1px #999; box-shadow:0 0 1px #999; } /* The holder for the title and the icon: */ .tipVisible{ cursor:pointer; height:22px; } .tipTitle{ float:left; font-family:'Myriad Pro',Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap; line-height:22px; padding-right:5px; } .tipIcon{ width:20px; height:20px; float:left; background-color:#61b035; border:1px solid #70c244; margin-right:8px; /* CSS3 Rounded corners */ -moz-border-radius:1px; -webkit-border-radius:1px; border-radius:1px; }
/* Three color themes */ .green .tipIcon{ background-color:#61b035; border:1px solid #70c244; } .blue .tipIcon{ background-color:#1078C7; border:1px solid #1e82cd; } .red .tipIcon{ background-color:#CD3A12; border:1px solid #da421a; } .plusIcon{ /* The plus icon */ width:13px; height:13px; background:url('img/plus.gif') no-repeat center center; margin:4px; /* Defining a CSS3 animation. Currently only works in Chrome and Safari */ -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.2s linear; -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.2s linear; transition: transform 0.2s linear; } .slideOutTip.isOpened{ z-index:10000; } .slideOutTip.isOpened .plusIcon{ /* Applying a CSS3 rotation to the opened slideouts*/ -moz-transform:rotate(45deg); -webkit-transform:rotate(45deg); transform:rotate(45deg); } /* Special rules for the left and top - opening versions */ .openLeft .tipIcon{ /* Floating the title and the icon to the right */ margin:0 0 0 8px; float:right; } .openLeft .tipTitle{ float:right; padding:0 0 0 5px; } .openLeft .slideOutContent{ margin-top:22px; } .openLeft.openTop .slideOutContent{ margin-top:0; } .slideOutContent{ /* Hiding the div with the slide out content: */ display:none; padding:10px; font-size:11px; } /* Hiding the original paragraphs if they have not been replaced (JS disabled): */ .main > p{ display:none; }
滑动面板默认的打开方式是草右下方打开,你可以通过设置openLeft 或openTop 来改变它的打开方式。你也可以通过class来改变图标的颜色。
$(document).ready(function(){ /* The code here is executed on page load */ /* Replacing all the paragraphs */ $('.main p').replaceWith(function(){ /* The style, class and title attributes of the p are copied to the slideout: */ return '\'; }); $('.slideOutTip').each(function(){ /* Implicitly defining the width of the slideouts according to the width of its title, because IE fails to calculate it on its own. */ $(this).width(40+$(this).find('.tipTitle').width()); }); /* Listening for the click event: */ $('.tipVisible').bind('click',function(){ var tip = $(this).parent(); /* If a open/close animation is in progress, exit the function */ if(tip.is(':animated')) return false; if(tip.find('.slideOutContent').css('display') == 'none') { tip.trigger('slideOut'); } else tip.trigger('slideIn'); }); $('.slideOutTip').bind('slideOut',function(){ var tip = $(this); var slideOut = tip.find('.slideOutContent'); /* Closing all currently open slideouts: */ $('.slideOutTip.isOpened').trigger('slideIn'); /* Executed only the first time the slideout is clicked: */ if(!tip.data('dataIsSet')) { tip .data('origWidth',tip.width()) .data('origHeight',tip.height()) .data('dataIsSet',true); if(tip.hasClass('openTop')) { /* If this slideout opens to the top, instead of the bottom, calculate the distance to the bottom and fix the slideout to it. */ tip.css({ bottom : tip.parent().height()-(tip.position().top+tip.outerHeight()), top : 'auto' }); /* Fixing the title to the bottom of the slideout, so it is not slid to the top on open: */ tip.find('.tipVisible').css({position:'absolute',bottom:3}); /* Moving the content above the title, so it can slide-open to the top: */ tip.find('.slideOutContent').remove().prependTo(tip); } if(tip.hasClass('openLeft')) { /* If this slideout opens to the left, fix it to the right so the left edge can expand without moving the entire div: */ tip.css({ right : Math.abs(tip.parent().outerWidth()-(tip.position().left+tip.outerWidth())), left : 'auto' }); tip.find('.tipVisible').css({position:'absolute',right:3}); } } /* Resize the slideout to fit the content, which is then faded into view: */ tip.addClass('isOpened').animate({ width : Math.max(slideOut.outerWidth(),tip.data('origWidth')), height : slideOut.outerHeight()+tip.data('origHeight') },function(){ slideOut.fadeIn(); }); }).bind('slideIn',function(){ // Binding the slideIn event to .slideOutTip var tip = $(this); /* Hide the content and restore the original size of the slideout: */ tip.find('.slideOutContent').fadeOut('fast',function(){ tip.animate({ width : tip.data('origWidth'), height : tip.data('origHeight') },function(){ tip.removeClass('isOpened'); }); }); }); }); /* Closing $(document).ready() */